- Ai智能
- 2024-01-09
- 275热度
- 0评论
使用bing制作3D图像之后,利用人脸替换网站,替换任何人的 人脸!
(1):Create a 3D illustration featuring a realistic 18 year-old beautiful young boy busy to writing a coding on a chair in front of a 3d logo of WhatsApp.' The character should have green and white pant coat tie ,with Sneakers shoes, with glasses,The background of the image should showcase a social media profile page and the username "BILAL AHMAD' and a matching profile picture and modify it
(创建一个3D插图,描绘一个18岁的美丽年轻男孩,他正坐在椅子上专心编写代码,面前是WhatsApp的3D标志。这个角色应该穿着绿色和白色的裤子、外套、领带,戴着眼镜,脚上穿着运动鞋。背景中应该展示一个社交媒体个人资料页面,用户名为“BILAL AHMAD”,并有一张匹配的个人照片,然后对其进行修改)
(2)Create a 3D illustration of an animated character sitting casually on top of a social media logo "iphone". The character must wear casual modern clothing such as jeans jacket and sneakers shoes. The background of the image is a social media profile page with a user name "Bilal" and a profile picture that match.
(3) Create a 3D illustration of an animated character of a handsome boy standing casually on the Side of a social media logo "YouTube". The character must wear modern Bangladeshi clothes. The background of the character is a mockup of his YouTube profile page with the profile name "RS Design Academy" and a profile picture the same as the character.
(创建一个3D插图,描绘一个帅气的男孩随意地站在一个社交媒体Logo旁边,这个Logo是YouTube。这个角色应该穿着现代的孟加拉服装。图像的背景是他的YouTube个人资料页面的模拟,其中的个人资料名为“RS Design Academy”,并且有与角色相同的个人照片)
(4) handsome boy sitting on a logo chair of a social media logo "YouTube". wearing suite . The background is mockup of his YouTube profile page with a profile name "Smart Graphics" and a profile picture . soft light reflection
(创作一个图像,内容涉及一个英俊的男孩坐在社交媒体“YouTube”标志形状的椅子上。他穿着正装,背景是他YouTube个人资料页的模拟图,资料名称为“Smart Graphics”,并且有一张个人资料照片。整个场景中包含柔和的光线反射效果)
(5)Create a 3D illustration of an animated character of a pretty girl sitting casually on top of a social media logo "Instagram". The character must wear modern clothes. The background of the character is mockup of her Instagram profile page with a profile name "Coder Crafts" and a profile picture same as character
(制作一个3D插画,内容是一个漂亮女孩的动画形象,她正随意地坐在社交媒体“Instagram”标志上。这个角色应该穿着现代服装。角色的背景是她的Instagram个人资料页面的模拟图,资料名称为“Coder Crafts”,且个人资料照片应与角色的形象相同。这通常是一个艺术创作的指令,用于视觉设计或数字艺术作品)
(6)Create a vibrant 3D scene with JASC GRAPHIC and a handsome boy sitting casually on the Jasc Graphic large logo. Dress him in trendy casual attire like jeans, a jacket, and sneakers. The background should showcase 3d Scene with JASC GRAPHIC in large scale as background and make the Jasc Graphic spread wide . Designe
(制作一个充满活力的3D场景。场景中应包含“JASC GRAPHIC”的大型标志,以及一个英俊的男孩随意地坐在这个大型标志上。男孩应穿着时髦的休闲服装,比如牛仔裤、夹克和运动鞋。背景应该展示一个以“JASC GRAPHIC”为背景的3D场景,并且这个图形应该广泛地展开)
(7)Create a 3D illustration of realistic human swedish young lady character walk out from social media Facebook. The character must wear jeans, t-shirt name "Amaya" with long coat and white sneakers, sunglasses, splash colorful water effect. The background is social media profile page with a user name "AMAYA" And profile picture of her and beautiful sky profile cover
(8)A cute boy behind him will be the 3D screenshot image of his Youtube Channel, the Channel name will be "Biprojeet Saha", he will be sitting on a 3D YouTube logo and in front of him will be a 3D youtube logo, Happy New Year style, 3d Christmas Tree with many lighting, 3d gift boxes (一个可爱的男孩坐在一个3D YouTube标志上,男孩身后是他YouTube频道的3D截图图片,频道的名字是"Biprojeet Saha",男孩面前有一个装饰成“Happy New Year”风格的3D YouTube标志,场景中还包括一个带有很多灯饰的3D圣诞树和3D礼物盒子,整体上,这是一个节日主题的3D场景设计概念,旨在庆祝新年并展示YouTube频道)
工具一:Leonardo 网址:https://app.leonardo.ai 特点:每日免费刷新150金币、多风格、可免费生成10次左右
工具二:Untitled 网址:https://playground.com 特点:免费生成、多功能、自定义调节分辨率
工具三:即时灵感 网址:https://jsai.cc 特点:免费生成、高分辨率、多风格
工具四:Scenario 网址:https://app.scenario.com 特点:免费生成、多种风格、对于头像log的制作更加专业
工具五:PixAi 网址:https://pixai.art 特点:每天免费领取10000钻石,可免费生成10多次、无审核
►Krea https://www.krea.ai/home
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